BioC Json

Encoding the BioC object

Encoding the BioC collection object collection:

from bioc import biocjson

# Serialize ``collection`` to a BioC Json formatted ``str``.
biocjson.dumps(collection, indent=2)

# Serialize ``collection`` as a BioC Json formatted stream to ``fp``.
with open(filename, 'w') as fp
    biocjson.dump(collection, fp, indent=2)

Compact encoding:

from bioc import biocjson

Decoding the BioC Json file

from bioc import biocjson

# Deserialize ``s`` to a BioC collection object.
collection = biocjson.loads(s)

# Deserialize ``fp`` to a BioC collection object.
with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
    collection = biocjson.load(fp)

Json Lines

Incrementally encoding the BioC structure:

from bioc import biocjson

with biocjson.iterwriter(filename) as writer:
    for doc in collection.documents:


from bioc import biocjson
import jsonlines
with, 'w') as writer:
    for doc in collection.documents:
         for passage in doc.passages:

Incrementally decoding the BioC Json lines file:

from bioc import biocjson
with biocjson.iterreader(filename) as reader:
    for passage in reader:
        # process passage


import bioc
from bioc import biocjson
import jsonlines
with as reader:
    for obj in reader:
        passage = biocjson.fromJSON(obj, bioctype=bioc.PASSAGE)